Excel Data Entry, Navigation and Management made easy!
Auto-Generate User Forms for Mac and Windows. Data Forms, Search Forms, Filter Forms and Reports with just one click!
Windows or Mac OS
Download Evaluation Version.
No credit card needed.
Evaluation Vesion will convert to a full functionality free version after 14 days. (See version Differences)
Organize your Data and Keep Track of Anything!
With Auto Excelforms (Free or Standard versions) you can:
For Developers or Excel power users:
With Auto Excelforms (Professional version) you can also save time or earn easy income and instantly create modifiable forms in the Visual Basic Editor. No coding required!
Generate userforms and deliver freely distributable data management workbooks in seconds instead of days!!
Includes a password to access all the userform program code.
Use Cases
For end-users
- You are a small business, a club, or an individual and you want to “keep track of things” It might be a customer list, jobs to be done, Movie Titles, assets to be tracked, survey results .. anything!
- You have rows and rows of data in excel and need a convenient way to view, edit, search or add to this data one record at a time. You’d like to eliminate the endless scrolling that leads to inefficiency and inaccuracy.
- For MacOS excel users: There is no built in data form. This will more than adequately address this omission from Microsoft.
- For Windows Excel users: The built in data form has many shortcomings. Limited columns, no drop-downs for lookup lists, not synchonised with the worksheet and many others. Auto Excelforms addresses all these and much more!
Despite not being a database management platform, many people use Excel or are thinking of using Excel for simple “databases”.
Excel lacks a user-friendly, robust interface that allows for speed, accuracy and efficency in data-entry and management.
Save yourself money and time by downloading a free copy of Auto ExcelForms. It’s an add-in for excel to help you easily maintain data stored in Excel. The ability to organize and find the information you need with attractive, professional forms is just one click away.
For Developers of Excel desktop solutions and Excel Experts
You want to create Excel workbooks and data applications that require or will be enhanced with userforms. You want to deliver these without spending hours developing the “Front end” user interface.
Save yourself an insane amount of time with the Professional version of Auto ExcelForms. It will create professional userforms without any programming. Deliver Excel workbooks that include the saved forms as-is or customize them further as you need. Create workbooks with forms for Windows or Mac OS.

Intelligent Defaults
Effortlessly create Data entry userforms in a single click with intelligent defaults that can be overridden:
Easy No-code Customization
Enhance your Excel data management with customizable themes, colors, fonts, and behavior settings. Effortlessly specify mandatory fields, auto-increment values, and validation rules to boost productivity and accuracy. Enjoy a personalized, intuitive interface designed to meet your unique needs.
Customize Appearance
- Application Theme color
- Default Picture/Logo (Windows version only)
- Frame and Label Colors
- Label Fonts
- Entry field Colors
- Entry Field Fonts
- Full screen zoom level
- Popup Calendar Size, Calendar First Day of Week
- Theme colors in Forms, Tables, Both or none
- Standard Message Boxes or Theme Colored
- Command Button placement, label Placement and more
Customize Behavior
- Specify Mandatory fields (Users warned and prevented from saving empty Entry fields)
- Specify Number-only fields, Read-only fields
- Specify a Pop-up table Lookup that can be accessed by click of a lookup Icon
- Auto-Generate validation lists and rules from existing table data
- Specify Column as Primary (Enforces Unique non-blank) value
- Specify Primary column as Auto-increment – The application will increment the primary key for new data entries
- Auto increment a user-definable Numeric e.g. (1 -> 2) or Alphanumeric e.g. (ID0001 -> ID0002) key
- Confirmation Prompt before Saving/Submitting data or not
- Auto commit changes on navigating to new record or not
- New blank form after each new addition or not
- Specify Default values for new records (constants or formulas) for any column
Data Forms Plus
Easy Filter - Filter by form
- Easy to use interface for selecting data
- Autogenerated Filter forms
- Simplify the most complex filters
- Choose AutoFilter or Advanced filter output
- AND or OR criteria
- Type in one or more criteria in boxes that represent
the data columns and Easy Filter will do the filtering. - Advanced Filter formula mode for complex filters
Browse/Find Window
- Navigate your data effortlessly
- Dynamic Search
- Select Columns and Column order
- Respects any Filter in effect
Simple Report Generator
- Select Columns and Column order
- Respects any Filter in effect
- Output to Formatted table
- Handles Page setup, Headers and Totals